XXX.X Quiz

To take the quiz, click on the best answer for each question. You’ll need to finish the quiz with at least an 80% score to move on to Play a Game (which is optional), or to mark the Lesson complete and move on to the next.

Once you’ve passed the quiz, choose the button to play a game, or mark this page complete and go back to the Lesson to find the link to the next material. Don’t worry if you don’t pass the first time – you can take the quiz over again, and you can go back to the Lesson to re-read or double check anything you aren’t sure of before you do.

HL Quiz: It's A Woman's World
How old was Katherine Johnson when NASA named a building after her? *
Who did NASA hire to promote women's recruitment in the 1970's? *
When was NASA formed? *
Who was the first female American astronaut? *
Who played the part of Katherine Johnson in the movie Hidden Figures?