SCS.E QUIZ Results

SCS.E Quiz Results
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Remember that you must pass with 80% or more to move on to the next section. You can review any questions you might have missed below before retaking the quiz. If you passed with 80% or more, you can go ahead and mark the page complete using the button at the bottom of the page, and keep going!

Great work - you've passed with at least 80% and can move on to the next lesson!

Sorry - you've scored lower than 80%. Have a look at the questions and correct answers below, and then give the quiz another try.

What does REM stand for?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: Rapid Eye Movement.

Bingo - You nailed it!

How many stages are there to non-REM sleep?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: 3.

Bingo - You nailed it!

What is the first stage of non-REM sleep?

Bingo - You nailed it!

What is Stage 2 non-REM sleep marked by?

Bingo - You nailed it!

What do some scientists think was the original purpose of Stage 2 non-REM Sleep?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: Preventing falling out of trees.

Bingo - You nailed it!

During which sleep stage do your arm and leg muscles become paralyzed?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: REM.

Bingo - You nailed it!

What happens during Stage 3 non-REM Sleep?

Bingo - You nailed it!

When does REM sleep usually begin?

Bingo - You nailed it!

In what stage of sleep do you spend most of the night?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: Stage 2 Non-REM.

Bingo - You nailed it!

How much of our lives do we spend sleeping?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: About a third.

Bingo - You nailed it!

Good try! Click the button below to return to the Lesson, review and try the quiz again.