SUB.C | The Mars Missions
To say that we’re a little bit obsessed with the Red Planet might be an understatement. Countless books, movies, and even cartoons have been made about Mars and what we might find there.
So it make sense that we’d try to get there as much as possible. The three kinds of spacecraft that have left Earth to wind up landing on or orbiting around Mars are rovers, landers, and orbiters.The United States, the Soviet Union, the European Space Agency, and India are the only countries to have launched these spacecraft. The first successful landing was the USSR’s Mars 3 in 1971. Perseverance (“Percy”) is scheduled for launch in July or August of 2020.
Curriculum Reference Links
- Earth and Space / Sustainability / 8:  Students  should be able to examine some of the current hazards and benefits of space exploration and discuss the future role and implications of space exploration in society.