UPR.E QUIZ Results

UPR.E Quiz Results
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Remember that you must pass with 80% or more to move on to the next section. You can review any questions you might have missed below before retaking the quiz. If you passed with 80% or more, you can go ahead and mark the page complete using the button at the bottom of the page, and keep going!

Sorry - you've scored lower than 80%. Have a look at the questions and correct answers below, and then give the quiz another try.

Great work - you've passed with at least 80% and can move on to the next lesson!

How much does a gallon of milk (or water) weigh?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: About eight pounds

Bingo - You nailed it!

How much does the weight of water increase as you descend?

Bingo - You nailed it!

Why can’t you use a really long snorkel for deep dives?

Bingo - You nailed it!

Why is “dive response” important?

Bingo - You nailed it!

How is pressure defined?

Bingo - You nailed it!

On really deep dives, how low can your heart rate go?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: 14 beats per minute

Bingo - You nailed it!

In regards to pressure, what is the difference between the Hab and an airplane?

Bingo - You nailed it!

What is the difference in pressure that you feel at 100 feet under water as opposed to on the surface?

Incorrect! Oh no. Missed that one!
The correct answer is: Four times

Bingo - You nailed it!

Good try! Click the button below to return to the Lesson, review and try the quiz again.