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Bonus Questions and Submitted Responses
HAB.H Bonus 1: How do the Aquanauts simulate different gravity levels? Why is this useful?
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HAB.H Bonus 2: Why is practice dealing with the time lag in communications between the Hab and the Hab's Key Largo control center important?
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HAB.H Bonus 3: How does working on the Hab prepare astronauts to go into space?
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HAB.H Bonus 4: What are some things you would want to eat on the Hab? Why?
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HAB.H Bonus 5: What are some of the benefits of working on the Hab? Which do you think is most important and why?
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HAB.H Bonus 6: There have been 22 Hab Missions. Pick one of those missions or one of the Aquanauts to research and tell us something you learned about the mission or the Aquanaut.
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CRF.I Bonus 1: What is ocean acidification and why is it a problem for coral?
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CRF.I Bonus 2: What are some of the problems faced by coral reefs?
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CRF.I Bonus 3: What are the benefits and drawbacks of both sexual and asexual reproduction for coral?
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CRF.I Bonus 4: What do Zooxanthellae do for coral?
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CRF.I Bonus 5: What is the difference between Hexacorals and Octocorals?
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CRF.I Bonus 6: Pick a type of coral to research and write about. Include native habitat, shape, type, color, and something about why you found this coral interesting.
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IVS.H Bonus 1: What are some of the ways invasive species do damage?
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IVS.H Bonus 2: Propose a creative new way to combat an invasive species.
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IVS.H Bonus 3: Pick an invasive species to research. Where is its native habitat? Where has it invaded? How is it causing problems? What are some ways being used to combat it?
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IVS.H Bonus 4: What are some of the ways that invasive species get from their native habitat to a new location?
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IVS.H Bonus 5: What is an invasive species that is in your local area? What, if anything, is being done to combat it?
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IVS.H Bonus 6: Create a poster, brochure, or ad campaign to combat a particular invasive species.
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Unit 1 Review Bonus 1:Research an invasive species that was found near the Hab and describe how it affected the aquanauts and the environment around the Hab, and what, is any affect it had on nearby corals?
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Unit 1 Review Bonus 2: Considering man to be an invasive species, explain how we have affected coral reefs around the world, and how the aquanuats on the Hab are trying to solve the problems humans have caused
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UPR.H Bonus 1: What is the highest altitude place you’ve ever visited? When were you there, and what is the altitude?
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UPR.H Bonus 2: What are some ways you can equalize the pressure in your ears?
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UPR.H Bonus 3: How far above (or below!) sea level is your school?
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UPR.H Bonus 4: What is the mathematical formula for calculating underwater pressure?
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UPR.H Bonus 5: What do you think your biggest challenge would be if you were living under water or in space for long periods of time?
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UPR.H Bonus 6: Have you ever been diving? If yes, where were you, how deep did you go, and what was it like? If not, where would you want to go?
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RAV.H Bonus 1: Pick an ROV or AUV to research and write about. When was it launched, where did it go, what was its mission?
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RAV.H Bonus 2: What would you name the next Mars Rover? Why?
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RAV.H Bonus 3: Imagine and design your own exploration device, then write about it here. Where will it go, what will it do, what kind of technology and design features will it need? (for example, think about the fat tires on the Mars rovers – why are those important?) You can turn in any drawings to your teacher as well.
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RAV.H Bonus 4: What underwater area of Earth's oceans would you like to explore? Why?
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RAV.H Bonus 5: Today's commercial drones are also ROVs. Do you think there should be restrictions about who can fly a drone, or where it can go? If yes, what would the restrictions be?
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RAV.H Bonus 6: Go to WHOI's website (https://www.whoi.edu/) to research some of their major discoveries or areas of research and summarize your findings..
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SCS.J Bonus 1: Do you often have trouble sleeping? How do you deal with it if you do?
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SCS.J Bonus 2: How do you make sure you wake up on time in the mornings? How is your weekend sleep routine different from during the week?
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SCS.J Bonus 3: What happens to humans if we don't get enough REM sleep? Research your answer.
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SCS.J Bonus 4: What’s your preferred way to fall asleep? Do you want it perfectly dark and quiet, do you prefer some light and or noise?
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SCS.J Bonus 5: What do you think the hardest part about sleeping on the ISS or in the Hab would be?
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SCS.J Bonus 6: How do you feel if you don’t get enough sleep for a day or two? Have you ever had trouble sleeping for a long period of time? How did you feel?
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Unit 2 Review Bonus 1: AUVs have been used to explore the ocean in places where the pressure is too much for humans to withstand. Research some of the most extreme environments where AUVS have been used and pick one to describe the environment, why it is important to learn about, and how the knowledge we gain from exploration might benefit us.
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Unit 2 Review Bonus 2: Sleep cycles can vary dramatically when we are in new environments. Research how sleep is affected in the ISS for new residents, and explain what some of the most dangerous potential side effects of sleep deprivation on the ISS might be.
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OLN.K Bonus 1: When do you think we'll have a colony on the moon?
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OLN.K Bonus 2: Would you be willing to live on the moon? Why or why not?
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OLN.K Bonus 3: What’s a communication delay in space and how do you think it might affect living on a spaceship?
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OLN.K Bonus 4: Pick an astronaut that has not been mentioned in Our Local Neighbourhood, research him or her and write about why were interested in him or her.
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OLN.K Bonus 5: Name an ancient culture other than Rome that recorded observations of some of the planets in our solar system. Why do you think that was important?
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OLN.K Bonus 6: Imagine that you built your own spacecraft. What would you name it and why? Where would you take it?
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SUB.K Bonus 1: If you discovered and got to name an astronomical object, what name would you choose? Why?
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SUB.K Bonus 2: If you could send a spacecraft to any place in our solar system to study in depth, where would it be?
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SUB.K Bonus 3: Would you want to go to a colony on Mars? What are the pros and cons of going?
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SUB.K Bonus 4: If you were away from Earth for months or years at a time, what do you think you would miss most?
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SUB.K Bonus 5: Why do you think it's important to study the Solar System. especially since most of it is too far away to ever go to?
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SUB.K Bonus 6: Do you think that there is really life somewhere in our Solar System? Where do you expect to find it first. and what do you think it will be like?
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ABY.J Bonus 1: You can add one photo or piece of music to the 'Golden Record.' What do you choose and why?
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ABY.J Bonus 2: Do you think Pluto should be reclassified as a planet, or continue as a dwarf planet? Why? What do you think the criteria for being a 'planet' should be?
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ABY.J Bonus 3: Which historic astronomer would you most like to meet, and what is one question you would ask him or her?
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ABY.J Bonus 4: What do you think it would be like to live on a space station in the Kuiper Belt? What job do you think you would have?
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ABY.J Bonus 5: Mathematicians and astronomers have discovered much of our current information about the solar system, and astronauts have actually ventured into space. Would you rather be an Earth-bound explorer, or go into space as an astronaut?
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ABY.J Bonus 6: If we find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, how do you think life would change here on Earth?
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Unit 3 Review Bonus 1: Of all the planets, dwarf planet, moons, etc. in our Solar System (except for Mars & our moon), where would you want to establish a colony? What makes your choice a good one?
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Unit 3 Review Bonus 2: Now that you've studied about using the Aquarius Habitat for training astronauts for the ISS, and some of the science that is developed there that may help us understand how to travel in space more safely, what do you think our biggest challenges to living in space or on another planet will be? Why? How would you solve the challenge?
No responses have been submitted to this Bonus Question yet.