The Asteroid Blog
4Ocean Fashion
What’s the biggest obstacle to cleaning up our oceans? It might be the sheer volume of the job. Scientists say that there are 269,000 tons of plastic debris floating on the surfaces of the
world’s oceans.
Young Scientist Spotlight: Liam Henderson
In 2016, 13-year-old Liam Henderson was worried about plastic in our oceans. He knew how much plastic is accumulating, and how difficult it is to remove. He got the idea that if plastic were magnetic, it would be easier to collect. He experimented by…
Zebra Mussels
In the pantheon of invasive species, zebra mussels (and their cousin, the quagga mussel) have a place of honor–or maybe infamy is a better word. Since first being discovered in the Great Lakes area in 1988, the tiny bivalves have spread throughout the entire watershed
How Low Can You Go?
The Mariana snail fish, the deepest known living fish, survives crushing pressures eight kilometres below the surface of the ocean, and they do it by being filled with watery goo.
looks like fire coral
i was on holiday and took some lovely pictures in a coral reef just off Miami
cool fish
i was on a trip to Florida and went diving
my trip to florida
this is some fish i found next to some anemone
The Aquarius Habitat
The Aquarius Undersea Habitat and Laboratory is an underwater habitat located 5.4 miles (9 kilometers) off Key Largo