Unit Review | Sea to Space

General Quiz, Vocabulary and Crossword

Pressure, robots and sleep don’t have much to do with each other, but all of them affect the aquanauts on the Hab. Sleep, or the lack of it, easily affects performance and endurance, as does pressure, so what do we use to offset the challenges we face when under those tough conditions? Robots, perhaps? Take a minute to see what you remember by going through the review materials here.



Sea to Space Unit Review | Crossword Puzzle

Sea to Space Unit Review | Vocabulary Quiz

Sea to Space Unit Review | Review Quiz

Sea to Space Unit Review | Bonus 1

Sea to Space Unit Review | Bonus 2

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Alert: Cuteness Overload!

Cutest animal in the ocean? Keep your Sea Otter. Forget the Dumbo Octopus. Axolotl? Close, but no cigar.

The winner of the Cutest Sea Animal prize is the Leaf Sheep Slug.

Yes, a slug. This tiny (5mm) animal, found near the Philippines, Indonesia, and Japan, looks like a cartoon sheep covered in bright green leaves with pinkish purple tips.

Bonus: it’s one of the only animals that can perform photosynthesis, thanks to all the algae it eats.

Beat that.